Available Training and Presentations from the Director of Workplace Relations
Please email me at rebecca_coman@ca5.uscourts.gov to request any of the programs below for your court, office, or chambers or to discuss other types of programs specifically tailored to your needs.
Workplace Conduct and Employment Dispute Resolution: The Fifth Circuit EDR Plan (45 minutes + Q&A)
This training discusses the Judiciary’s commitment to an exemplary workplace, the elements of the exemplary workplace, and the Fifth Circuit Employment Dispute Resolution (EDR) Plan and other procedures available to employees. The training explains wrongful conduct under the EDR Plan, reporting wrongful conduct, the Options for Resolution provided by the EDR Plan (Informal Advice, Assisted Resolution, and Formal Complaint), the remedies offered by the EDR Plan, and the resources available to you under the Plan. The training also briefly covers the Judicial Conduct & Disability complaint process, grievance procedures, and adverse action appeals processes.
This training can be used to satisfy the annual training requirement in Section V.D.4 of the Fifth Circuit EDR Plan (and the EDR Plans of the district and bankruptcy courts in the Fifth Circuit).
Workplace Conduct and Employment Dispute Resolution: Supplement for Supervisors, Managers, Unit Executives, Federal Public Defenders, and Judges – Preventing and Addressing Wrongful Conduct in the Workplace (20 minutes + Q&A)
This supplement to the training on the Fifth Circuit EDR Plan covers recommendations for creating and fostering an exemplary workplace, the benefits of addressing alleged wrongful behavior early, responding to reports of harassment or abusive conduct, and briefly touches on responding to a Request for Assisted Resolution or Formal Complaint under the EDR Plan.
The Exemplary Workplace: Respect in the Workplace (1 hour, including discussion)
This presentation and facilitated discussion focuses on the importance of respect in the workplace, self-awareness, and treating others with respect.
The Fifth Circuit EDR Plan for Judges, Court Unit Executives, and Federal Public Defenders: What To Do When You Receive a Report of Wrongful Conduct, a Request for Assisted Resolution, or a Formal Complaint (30 minutes + Q&A)
This training focuses on what chief judges, judges, court unit executives, and Federal Public Defenders should do when they receive a report of wrongful conduct or a Request for Assisted Resolution or Formal Complaint under the EDR Plan. Specifically, the training outlines the steps that should be taken depending on what is received and points out issues that require consideration.
Workplace Conduct in the Federal Judiciary with the Circuit Directors of Workplace Relations: For Law Students and Future Judiciary Employees (30 minutes + Q&A)
In this training, one or more of the Federal Judiciary’s Circuit Directors of Workplace Relations discuss the Judiciary’s commitment to an exemplary workplace; the Judiciary’s employment protections, policies, and processes; and how law clerks and other judiciary employees can confidentially raise questions and concerns about workplace conduct.